2025 Seedy Days
meet up with local seed growers, dream and plan for your 2025 gardens with so many other down-to earth gardeners - new and not so
19th Annual Seedy Saturday Event at the DESBRISAY Museum, 130 Jubilee Road, Bridgewater, Saturday February 15, 2025: 10:00 - 4:00.
This season opener draws in gardeners from all over, a “before” garden party filled with dreamers, planners and optimism. It’s wonderful!
Drop by our table to share your garden joy.
Next up:
St. Margaret’s Bay Gardening Club Seedy Saturday March 22, 2025 at St. Luke’s Church.
Privateer Farmers’ & Artisan Market, Liverpool Waterfront, 9-1. Saturday August 24
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of this market with us. Enjoy music, fun and all the hustle around our vendors. Bob will have fresh garlic for your table and garden along with some black garlic for a treat. Betsy will have Storm-cast for your late summer planting, re-potting and fall garlic, along with our small packs, pasteurized for all of those indoor plants. See you there.
Look at this beautiful compost, just storm-tossed seaweed
Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs Convention 2024, Yarmouth NS at the Rodd Grand Hotel, June 7-9, ‘Back to our Roots’
Betsy and Bob are looking forward to spending some time as vendors on Friday June 7 and Saturday June 8. We always enjoy the Convention- so many cheerful people and lots of optimism. We learn a lot.
Perhaps we will see you there.
Queens Garden Club, NS
Annual Plant Sale at Queens County Museum, 109 Main Street, Liverpool, 10:00 - 1:00, while there are still plants for sale. Bring cash for the plants, please. Rain or shine.
Bob & Betsy will be selling Storm-cast in such good company. See you there.
Privateer Farmers & Artisans Market
Saturday May 18, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Season Opener
Pick up your Storm-cast for all of your gardening needs at this Saturday market. Bear Cove Resources is pleased to be a member of this local market. We are occasional vendors and regular shoppers. Check out the variety of local and visiting vendors. Enjoy the family fun activities on the waterfront, or at our rain space. Stop by the seaweed table.
Celebrate the Seed
Saturday April 13, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Wolfville Farmers’ Market
Local Seeds, garden chats, workshops, inside that wonderful Farmers’ Market, such a great start to your garden season. Betsy and Bob will have lots of Storm-cast composted seaweed. Stop by to share your garden dreams. Pre-orders welcome: bearcoveresources@outlook.com

18th Annual Seedy Saturday
Let your seed and garden plan start here at the first Seedy Saturday in the south shore calendar. Dream with others; share your tips and get others. Chat with and buy from local seed vendors. Bob and Betsy will have lots of Storm-cast available. Join us for an exciting day, hosted by Helping Nature Heal.

Building Stock
Bob is processing and bagging Storm-cast. If you are planting your garlic and are looking for Storm-cast, we are around for Farmgate. Best to contact us via our contact page. We have a limited quantity ofsome seed garlic available as well.

100 Mile Heritage Festival
A celebration of fishing and farming in NS. Lots of history, produce, artisans, farm events, music and games. Bear Cove Resources is pretty happy to be one of the many vendors. Stop on by.

Privateer Farmers Market
Rain space is the Curling Club. Check out the market on Facebook to see all the vendors.
Chester Garden Club Annual Plant Sale
At the Old Train Station- so many plants, great variety and Storm-cast
Rare and Unusual Plant Sale
Annapolis Royal at the Farmers Market Venue - What an adventure!
Privateer Farmers Market - Opening Day
See you on the Liverpool Waterfront, the Market runs May to October.
Cultivating Biodiversity, a Seedy Saturday Event at Wolfville Farmers' Market
Local seed & plant vendors, workshops, are joining the Market. Drop by the Storm-cast booth. Bob and Betsy will have lots of Storm-cast for your garden, indoor and out.
LCLC Easter Market
LCLC Easter Market, Lunenburg Lifestyle Centre, 135 North Park St., Bridgewater

Seedy Saturday, St.Margaret’s Bay
Seedy Saturday hosted by St. Margaret’s Bay Gardening Club, St. Luke’s Church Upper Tantallon