Our Story

From California to Nova Scotia, and the late 1960’s to today, Bear Cove Resources has always embraced the slow movement.

“One tree is like another tree, but not too much. One tulip is like the next tulip, but not altogether. More or less like people—a general outline, then the stunning individual strokes.” -From Upstream by Mary Oliver

In 1969, the then future-founder of Bear Cove Resources (BCR), Bob Iuliucci, took an evening class taught by biochemist Dr. Bargyla Rateaver at the University of California. Dr. Rateaver discussed the many trace minerals available in marine algae that are not supplied by other fertilizer sources. In addition, returning organic material from the sea to the land reverses, in a small way, erosion damage and nutrient leakage, which results from poor farming practices. The presentation sparked Bob's interest in organic gardening and the possibility of using seaweeds in agriculture.

In 1973 Bob moved from San Diego, CA, to East Berlin, Nova Scotia. His new location along the exposed eastern headlands of Liverpool Bay served as an excellent place to explore the use of seaweed stranded along the shore, known as wrack, in his garden and small farm. This practice is well-documented in coastal areas worldwide; Bob merely followed his interests and a long-standing tradition. For the next twenty years, he gathered seaweed alongside other local gardeners and farmers who frequented the beach to collect wrack.

In 1993, Bob, who had operated a geotechnical consulting business in his name since 1979, formed Bear Cove Resources. In response to a request for proposals from the Canada/Nova Scotia Agreement on Sustainable Economic Development he submitted a proposal for a "Demonstration Project to produce a composted seaweed fertilizer/soil amendment from stranded seaweeds". With financial assistance from the Cooperation Agreement and business management and marketing assistance from his wife, Elizabeth Hartt, the production of a composted seaweed product launched. Storm-cast entered the Nova Scotia marketplace in spring 1994. With assistance from Elizabeth and his two children, Rosalynn and Joseph, the production of Storm-cast continued as a sideline to BCR's main business of geotechnical consulting. In 2016 Bob retired from geotechnical consulting.

Bear Cove Resources' Storm-cast production operates with three permits from the Province of Nova Scotia. The 'License to Remove Material from Beaches' and 'Vehicle Beach Permit' are issued by the N.S. Dept. of Natural Resources and Renewables and carry strict regulations as to the location, time, and quantity of material to be removed and the types and operating condition of the vehicles used. A 'Permit to Operate a Compost Facility' which sets parameters for the operation of a commercial compost facility is issued by the N.S. Dept. Of Environment.